Friday 8 February 2013

Valentino Master of Couture

Valentino Exhibition
A MUST see!

So I spent my day at Somerset House, London. Where fashion week takes place and as it is only a week until London fashion week begins, Valentino, Master of Couture exhibition is there! WOW its great, definitely a must see before it ends. It is Valentino's entire couture collection since the 1950's up until now, with the samples on show. As well as, how Valentino started and his celebrity encounters along the way. Plus the actual drawings and sketches from the couture collections over the years. Attention to detail in his garments are incredible and the actual length of time it took to create these beautiful ensembles, is mind boggling.

Unfortunately, I was not able to take any snaps from the exhibition, but thats more reason why you should go and check it out. Some of the most beautiful, elegant dresses and garments are down there at Somerset house. Valentino IS the Master of Couture.

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